Diagonal Traversal

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Lecture 178:-Diagonal Traversal

Diagonal traversal of a binary tree involves traversing the tree in a diagonal manner, moving from the top-left to the bottom-right corner. Each diagonal consists of nodes that share the same diagonal level. You can implement diagonal traversal using a combination of a queue and recursive traversal.

Here's a Python implementation of the diagonal traversal of a binary tree:

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class TreeNode: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.left = None self.right = None def diagonal_traversal(root): if root is None: return queue = [] current = root while current: print(current.data, end=" ") if current.left: queue.append(current.left) current = current.right if not current and queue: current = queue.pop(0) # Example usage root = TreeNode(1) root.left = TreeNode(2) root.right = TreeNode(3) root.left.left = TreeNode(4) root.left.right = TreeNode(5) root.right.left = TreeNode(6) root.right.right = TreeNode(7) root.left.left.left = TreeNode(8) root.left.left.right = TreeNode(9) print("Diagonal Traversal:") diagonal_traversal(root)

In this example, the TreeNode class represents nodes of the binary tree. The diagonal_traversal function performs the diagonal traversal of the binary tree. It uses a queue to keep track of nodes in the current diagonal level.

The diagonal traversal starts with the root node. For each node in the current diagonal level, it prints the node's value and enqueues its left child. Then, it moves to the right child of the current node. If the current node becomes None and the queue is not empty, it dequeues a node from the queue to process the next diagonal level.

This implementation correctly handles the diagonal traversal of a binary tree and prints the nodes in the required order. Keep in mind that this specific traversal may not be commonly used but is useful for some specific scenarios.

25. Tree - Assignments


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