Set the Kth Bit

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Lecture 40 :- Set the Kth Bit

To set the Kth bit of a given integer, you can use bitwise operations in C++. The "Kth bit" refers to the bit at position K (0-based indexing) from the right, where the rightmost bit is at position 0.

To set the Kth bit, you can use the bitwise OR (|) operator with the mask that has only the Kth bit set (1 at the Kth position and 0 at all other positions).

Here's a C++ program to set the Kth bit of a given integer:

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#include <iostream> int setKthBit(int num, int K) {    int mask = 1 << K;    return num | mask; } int main() {    int num, K;    std::cout << "Enter an integer: ";    std::cin >> num;    std::cout << "Enter the value of K (0-based index): ";    std::cin >> K;    int result = setKthBit(num, K);    std::cout << "Number after setting the " << K << "th bit: " << result << std::endl;    return 0; }

Example output:

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Enter an integer: 5 Enter the value of K (0-based index): 1 Number after setting the 1st bit: 7

In this example, we set the 1st bit (2nd bit from the right, 0-based indexing) of the integer 5. The binary representation of 5 is 101, and after setting the 1st bit, the number becomes 111, which is 7 in decimal.

You can try different values for the input number and the position of the bit (K) to see how the Kth bit is set. Keep in mind that the bit positions are 0-based, so K should be a non-negative integer less than the number of bits in the integer representation (usually 32 or 64 bits, depending on your system).

5. Week2 - Assignments

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