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and IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) are two completely different concepts in JavaScript, so it doesn't make sense to compare them.
is a keyword used to declare a block-scoped variable, which means it's only accessible within the block it was declared in, and any nested blocks. This helps prevent variable naming collisions and makes the code more maintainable and easier to reason about.
An IIFE, on the other hand, is a function that is immediately invoked after it is defined. It's commonly used to create a new scope and prevent polluting the global namespace with variables. By wrapping a block of code in an IIFE, you can ensure that any variables declared within it are only accessible within the function's scope, and not outside of it. This can help prevent naming collisions with other scripts and libraries, and makes it easier to manage the lifecycle of your code.
So, let
and IIFE have different use cases and should be used depending on the needs of your code.
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