Template Engines - Some Examples

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Lecture 249:- Template Engines - Some Examples

There are several popular template engines available for use with Node.js and Express.js, including:

  1. Handlebars - A popular templating engine that allows for the creation of reusable and dynamic templates. Handlebars uses a syntax that is similar to HTML and is easy to learn.
  2. EJS (Embedded JavaScript) - A simple and easy-to-learn templating engine that allows you to write JavaScript code directly in your HTML templates.
  3. Pug (formerly known as Jade) - A popular templating engine that uses a concise and intuitive syntax that can help you write code faster.
  4. Mustache - A logic-less templating engine that can be used with a variety of programming languages. Mustache templates can be used to render HTML, as well as other formats such as XML and JSON.

These template engines provide a way to generate dynamic HTML pages by combining static markup with dynamic data. They allow for the creation of reusable templates that can be used across multiple pages or applications. Template engines can also simplify the process of generating HTML by providing useful features such as partials, loops, and conditionals.

29. My First Express App - A List Of Contacts!


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