Smooth Scroll Hint 1

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Lecture 174:- Smooth Scroll Hint 1

Smooth scrolling refers to the effect of smoothly moving from one section of a web page to another instead of abruptly jumping from one section to another. This effect is achieved by using JavaScript to create a smooth transition between the current position of the scroll bar and the position of the target element.

One common approach to implementing smooth scrolling is to use the scrollIntoView() method in JavaScript. This method can be called on any element in the DOM, and it causes the browser to smoothly scroll the viewport to bring that element into view.

To create a smooth scrolling effect with scrollIntoView(), you can add an event listener to the links on your page that trigger the scrolling. In the event listener, you can prevent the default behavior of the link, calculate the position of the target element, and use scrollIntoView() to smoothly scroll to that position.

You can also use a library such as jQuery or ScrollMagic to implement smooth scrolling more easily. These libraries provide a range of features for animating the scrolling of your web page, including easing functions, parallax effects, and more.

20. Mini Project Using JavaScript

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